If you’re still on the fence about open working, we’ve written a few posts to convince you otherwise.

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Putting your open working policy and guidelines in place

It’s a good idea to have some guidelines in place to support people to work in the open in a safe and effective way. It’s not about creating a big list of rules: it’s about giving people confidence.

An open working policy doesn’t need to be separate from your communications policy - in fact, all of what we’ve written here can apply to how your organisation speaks on social media, in the press, and at a conference.

Whether you’re adding to an existing policy, or creating guidelines on open working, it’s a good idea to keep it simple. You don’t want your policy to sit on a shelf and be ignored. Challenge yourself to keep it under two pages.

Here are some things you might include:

Remember; don’t say anything in your weeknotes that you wouldn’t say to your mum, your boss or on the BBC.